A Prayer for Comfort and Strength in Difficult Times
Father, Give me comfort during these difficult times. Hold me close to You that my faith in You will not be shaken. Be my guide in all I do.
Father, Give me comfort during these difficult times. Hold me close to You that my faith in You will not be shaken. Be my guide in all I do.
Dear God, I humbly request Your strength during my moments of weakness, a comforting shoulder when I’m overwhelmed with sorrow, and Your guiding hand when I stumble and fall.
Heavenly Father I come before your throne to seek healing for my mental health. Forgive me for letting the disappointments and frustrations get to me.
Merciful Lord, Thank You for waking me up to see this beautiful day. I know that it is by Your grace that I’m able to see this day.
O God, from the abundance of Your glorious riches, please strengthen me with Your Holy Spirit’s power in my physical body. My heart is full of faith in You.
Dear God, You have brought me to the beginning of a new day. I ask you to renew my heart with your strength and purpose.
Saint Gabriel, Bring me the strength from the heavens that I need right now. Show me what I can do that will be the best choice for me to make…
My Lord and my God, I come before you today in need of your healing grace. All things are possible for you.
Oh my Jesus, give me Your strength when my weak nature rebels against the distress and suffering of this life of exile, and enable me to accept everything with serenity…
Below is a Powerful Prayer for God’s Strength and Restoration: Dear God, I kneel down before you at this moment. Please enlighten what is dark in me, strengthen what is…