Miraculous Invocation to Saint Therese
O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession.
O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession.
Dear St. Joseph, head of the most perfect household, foster father of Jesus and guardian of His Mother Mary, I confidently place myself and all my concerns under your care…
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on…
(For all the sick and suffering children, and for all who are suffering physically, emotionally or spiritually) Feast Day: August 11
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Heavenly beauty and splendor of the Father, You are the most valued Heavenly treasure.
St. Peregrine, whom Holy Mother Church has declared Patron of those suffering from Cancer, I confidently turn to you for help in my present sickness. I beg your kind intercession. Ask…