Our Lady of Knock, Queen of Ireland, you gave hope to our people in a time of distress and comforted them in sorrow.
You have inspired countless pilgrims to pray with confidence to your divine Son, remembering His promise: “Ask and you
shall receive, Seek and you shall find”.
Help me to remember that we are all pilgrims on the road to heaven.
Fill me with love and concern for my brothers and sisters in Christ, especially those who live with me.
Comfort me when I am sick or lonely or depressed.
Teach me how to take part ever more reverently in the holy Mass.
Pray for me now, and at the hour of my death.
Virgin Mary: Powerful Prayers And Novenas To The Blessed Mother
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Bless my family our lady of knock love you so much xxxxx
Lady of Knock I pray that people that inflct pain on the defenseless see thewrong in they do and work to alleviate all suffeering I pray this in Christ Jesus Amen
Pray for my family our lady of knock and my little children that suffering with there chest and breathing please I need your help our lady pray for my father n mother brothers and sisters bless you mother