Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, cast thy solemn gaze upon the devil and all his minions and protect us with thy mighty staff.
Thou fled through the night to avoid the devil’s wicked designs; now with the power of God, smite the demons as they flee from thee!
Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, mothers, families, and the dying.
By God’s grace, no demon dares approach while thou art near, so we beg of thee, Saint Joseph, always be near to us!
Saint Joseph, the terror of demons, pray for us.
I have had a mole removed on my buttocks, and I’m praying no infection be near me about this as I recover. Be with me Lord. Protect me and keep me ready to use my talents and gifts to serve you well Lord.
St. Joseph protect my child from evil eyes which is ruining her life. Amen
Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family from all evil. Thank you. AMEN
Dear Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family from all evil. Thank you. AMEN
Dear Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family from all evil. Thank you. AMEN
Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family from all evil. Thank you. AMEN and AMEN
Dear Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family from all evil. Thank you. AMEN and AMEN
Dear St. Joseph, Our Great Protector against evil..please protect my family and I from evil..please help us. Please Steve find a job with benefits and please let my mamography come out okay…let it be clean. Thank you so much St. Joseph …I know you are with me. Thank you and love you so very much. Carol
St.Joseph stop the evil being perpetuated by evil governments around the world in the name of health. By the power of God and St. Michael smite all Satanic cults from taking over our world through their medical tyranny
Dear Saint Joseph, please protect my kids, me and my family. Thank you. AMEN
Dear St Joseph, please protect me from anyone, who is seeking harm towards me. May you send your heavenly protection. Please guide me safely, back to Utah.
St Joseph Terror of Demons please pray for me Susan and all my family members always to Jesus ?please protect and defend us from all and every evil ?
St. Joseph please protect our country from this evil that is running it.
St Joseph pray for my son, His mother and my family. I have become someone I don’t like and I pray that you destroy the demons inside me, so that I can live in Jesus. Amen
St Joseph pray for Ukraine and Russia for peace as soon as possible
Please St Joseph pray for the salvation souls in purgatory
Please St Joseph be the Father and protector,to our children and nieces and nephews. We have failed so miserably at teaching them to live Jesus. Turn them back to him now before it’s too late.
St. Joseph please pray for my son, my family and myself. I have become someone I don’t like and I pray that you help to defeat the demons inside me and destroy them so I may live in the sunlight of the spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen