A Prayer for Fasting
Holy Lord God, who by your word reminds us of all who have offered you the gift of fasting as a symbol of contrition; Guide me in my denial of…
Holy Lord God, who by your word reminds us of all who have offered you the gift of fasting as a symbol of contrition; Guide me in my denial of…
Oh Heavenly Father, I face a decision, and I don’t know what to do.
Glorious St. Joseph, foster-father and protector of Jesus Christ! To you I raise my heart and my hands to implore your powerful intercession.
O Jesus, dear Holy Child, my only treasure, I abandon myself to Thy every whim. I seek no other joy than that of calling forth Thy sweet Smile.
Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of those with mental or nervous disorders or mental illness. Prayer to St. Dymphna: Lord, our God, you graciously chose St. Dymphna as patroness…
Saint Monica is the patron saint of married women, alcoholics, difficult marriages, disappointing children, victims of unfaithfulness, and victims of verbal abuse.
Most holy Virgin, on the hills of Fatima you were so good as to reveal to the three little shepherds how, by saying the holy Rosary, we could obtain the…
ST MICHAEL, glorious prince of heaven, protector of souls, I call on you to free me from all adversity and all sin, and to make me useful in God’s service,…
I believe, O holy Angel, that thou art appointed by God Almighty to be my guardian, wherefore through Him who hath set thee to this task, I, who am so…
The Church of the monastery of Our Lady of Virtues, or Nossa Senhora de Virtudes in Portuguese, is now nothing more than a ruin located north of Lisbon, Portugal. It…