Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God,
Hail Mary full of Grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed are thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God,
Dear God, please help me heal From grief, loss and the pain of love gone wrong. Let me leave deep heartache it in my past. And be whole and happy…
Dearest Heavenly Father, I want to thank you for the precious gift of love you have given to the world and to me. Thank you for blessing me every day…
Patron of servers, maids, butlers, servants, single laywomen, homemakers, housewives, and cooks. O blessed St. Martha, your faith led Jesus to proclaim, “I am the resurrection and the life”; and…
The Anima Christi is a prayer from around the 14th century. It is still widely used after receiving the body and blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.
O God who in Thy ineffable goodness hast rendered blessed Raphael the conductor of thy faithful in their journeys,
A prayer to release many souls from Purgatory each time it is said and which was extended to include living sinners as well.
O glorious guardian of my frame! In heaven’s high courts thou shinest bright, As some most pure and holy flame, Before the Lord of endless light. Yet for my sake…
Eternal Father, since Thou hast given me for my inheritance the adorable Face of Thy Divine Son, I offer that face to Thee and I beg Thee,
Dear St. Anthony, after all these years in the school of Christ, I still haven’t learned the lesson of true humility. My feelings are easily ruffled. Quick to take offense,…