When a young, adventurous Caleb Lewis accidentally stumbles upon his mother having a passionate affair with a frightening stranger, Caleb does what any young child would do-he hides.
The images burned onto his eyes leave lasting scars that send Caleb careening down a destructive path of drugs, sex, addiction, and even death.
Caleb’s incredible sports skills are the only thing about which positive rumors circulate. Nationally-renowned CAU, a university in Los Angeles, recruits Caleb and he gladly accepts, welcoming the chance to start a new life-he swears to change his ways. But temptation is strong when Caleb discovers the gorgeous Anni Vohem, vice president of CAU’s football operations.
She’s been skirting the NCAA by selling CAU athlete’s tickets and storing it all in a safe locked away in her private office.
Struggling to balance his role as QB for the #1 team in the nation, his schemes to rob Anni of her safe’s millions, and his budding love for a Christian woman named Beth Owens, Caleb slips up and has to watch his life fall to shambles around him. Caleb turns his shame for himself to rage at God, about whom Beth has been nothing but encouraging. Caleb is facing the struggle of his life, both on the field and off. His opponents are tough, aiming not just to win but to knock him out of the game (permanently), and his own inner demons trap him in a cycle of destruction he feels powerless to stop. However, with the constant, unwavering support of Beth, Caleb begins to consider the possibility of hope-a Christian hope.
Join Caleb on his journey to discover who he is and how he must live in light of his past. How could Caleb trust a God who couldn’t keep his family together? And amid the tangle of lies surrounding CAU football and his own twisted schemes, can Caleb truly change his ways and face his demons-and even death itself-head-on?