Dear Lord in heaven, we are in a difficult moment.
We are struggling to make ends meet.
We need leadership and guidance from you.
We are sinking fast and we need your hand to lift us out of the storm.
It is affecting us physically and we are starting to lose hope.
Our hands are weak and we need you.
Save us from this embarrassment.
Lift us up from this hole and bring us to the table of grace and favor.
I ran out of my medication which I need daily – yesterday and the day before I halved it to last longer. I had none for today and couldn’t afford to replace it for another 10-14 days. It’s dangerous to stop taking it immediately. I was in tears ranting to God how unfair life has been recently, when my son knocked on my bedroom door and said that when he was in the back garden earlier, a woman – whom he was unable to describe, had left a full unopened bottle of the very same tablets I had just ran out of, and she said she was just dropping them off for me, and left them on the front doormat. I didn’t hear a car pulling up. I have absolutely no idea who she is or how she even knew what medication I took, and am completely perplexed by the perfect timing. If anyone has any clues about this mysterious yet miraculous provision from God, would love to hear ????