Prayer To Saint Anthony, Consoler Of The Afflicted
Dear St. Anthony, comforting the sorrowful is a Christian duty and a work of mercy.
Dear St. Anthony, comforting the sorrowful is a Christian duty and a work of mercy.
St. Anthony, dear friend and heavenly guide, be present to me now, and let me know your compassion. Pray to our dear Lord for me, that I may experience calmness…
Please, St. Anthony, I ask you to help [state name]. She/he is in financial need. Help her/him [insert petition, e.g. “find another job,” “locate and secure financial aid” etc).
O loving St. Anthony, patron saint of the elderly, I ask your special prayers for (name person) and all elderly people. Pray, beloved saint, that they are grateful for the…
St. Anthony, you were greatly admired by others for your child-like qualities of innocence, trust and goodness. I ask you now to intercede for me before God for the children…
St. Anthony, God blessed you with a loving family to form you in the image and the ideals of Jesus Christ. From your place in heaven, watch over my family,…
St. Anthony, model of great holiness, help me to live as a worthy son/daughter of God, faithful to the promises of my Baptism. You know how serious are the dangers…
I salute you, St. Anthony, lily of purity, ornament and glory of Christianity. I salute you, great Saint, cherub of wisdom and seraph of divine love. I rejoice at the…
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers.
Dear Saint Anthony, I greet you gladly and offer you the respect and homage of a sinner… one who is aware how much God’s grace and your help are needed.